A little tweaking done, would like to know what people think.
Ok, I get it, interesting combo, but rather tricky to actually get out. I did 12 sample draws, and only twice came up with both cards in the list, one in hand, one further down. might want to increase the number of Galvanics to 4.
Love the name, and the deck is very good to.
Could you explain the infinite mana combo please? I fail to see it.
Not bad, all 100 draws were pretty balanced.
Quite interesting, a good denial deck.
Thanks for the tip, I have adjusted the accordingly.
Might I suggest adding one or more of the following, to keep your creatures alive.armor of faithholy armorliving armorlumithread fieldparapetscale of chiss-goriaalso, you may want to increase the number of creatures a bit, say 4 of each that are 3 or fewer?
All in all, a good deck, I personally would add 1-4 lotus vales for a good any color mana source.