I would think about playing killing wave. Then you could use void stalker to get rid of the creature they decided to keep. It might play better with tragic slip than barter in blood would. If you wanted to take a look I'm looking for some sideboard advice. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=375883
If you ever clone hydra it will die before you can cast any spells. I believe once priority is passed after the clone resolves the game does a check and sees no counters on your clone, it would then die immediately. But without being able to copy the hydra, the clone seems a good card. Phantasmal image might seem too weak compared to clone, but the shieldmate does not target when soulbound happens, so you could hexproof the image. If you could take a look, any help would be great. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=375883
Since you are already playing green and a lot of instants why not huntmaster?
Why evolving wilds and not hinterland harbor? For deck thinning?
I can see where all the creatures are in here to maximize damage. But to me 10+ creatures in the deck would benefit from goblin tunneler, especially the blademaster. If you don't like the tunneler, pyreheart wolf does about the same and effects all creatures, but you don't have to throw the tunneler under the bus. This is the w/r I have been play testing for FNMs, take a look. Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=303298
Tokens! check it out! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=273543
would wolf run help? otherwise someone with a fast token generator could block every attack?
would gutter grime help? with very creature you sac to give necrotic ooze abilities, gutter grime would pump out ooze tokens.
what about defensive stance in sideboard? to help keep the high priest alive?
I really like this build. do you think bloodline keeper would be better than the banshee? He costs one less and I think he would help your other morbid cards really well.
would it also give you a flyer blocker for balefire dragon, steel hellkite, etc.?
I was just talking about this deck earlier today. Are you sure about inkmoths? wouldn't they give you a secondary (however minor) win condition with infect. Also for 1 mana you can trigger metalcraft for galvanic blast.
I am looking for help and I was hoping you could. Trying to tighten up a deck for some FNM events. Any advice would be appreciated. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=271619
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