Garruk Power Deck

by advatar27 on 11 April 2012

Main Deck (65 cards)

Sideboard (0 cards)

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Deck Description

this deck is used to take down your enemy very quickly

Deck Tags

  • Mono Green
  • Creature-Based
  • Power
  • Kill

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,363 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Garruk Power Deck

Try to get more multiples of cards, it will make the deck more reliable.

Posted 11 April 2012 at 21:01


this deck is very reliable without multiples i have duled with this deck for 2 years and it barely fails to win

Posted 12 April 2012 at 16:24


By reliable, I mean that you can count on drawing the same cards each game that allow you to have your "best case scenerio" every game. For instance, tempting wurm and defense of the heart work very well with each other; luring your opponent into playing their creatures, playing some fatties in return can work very well. In fact, playing 2 creatures for free is something that you might want every game. However, because there is only one of each in your entire deck, the potent combo isn't reliable because the chance of getting both in one game is roughly 1/4, assuming that each game you use half the cards in your deck. If you use less cards than that for each game, then the probability of pulling off the combo lessens even more. By adding one tempting wurm and one defense of heart, the chance of pulling off the combo will quadruple, and that is good. What I am saying is that even if you like every card in your deck, sometimes you have to replace singles of less liked cards with multiples of more liked cards in order to maintain some sort of consistency throughout the deck, so that you can always have a high chance of drawing the best stuff in your deck each game.

Posted 12 April 2012 at 23:01


thanks for the advice

Posted 18 April 2012 at 23:51
