
3 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Good catch on the lightning bolts. I submitted it twice with the bulk upload tool on accident and had to delete all the duplicates. The second set should be burst lightnings.

Panoramas let you keep the plains count low to get more value from Valakut and consistently hit white mana by turn 3 or 4. I can see cutting a land if you're concerned about flooding, but even Jund plays 26 now, so I can't see going below 27.

I think you seriously undervalue armillary sphere. In Red-White, you don't have any real card draw. Sphere is the best card available to fill that role. The only other real option is Seers Sundial, which I've found to be too slow.

Posted 03 March 2010 at 16:03 as a comment on RW Valakut Control
