OH i forgot i normaly have myocloth in side pool so i can sac 3 by turn 3 and have a 10/10 and 6 saps a turn
how would genesis wave help if all my boost go to grave yard? i get a win by like turn 5 and i dont have extra mana cus i dump it all on one huge attack thats y i needed draw i need a way to pull more boost cards out i use this on mtgo and it works like a charm i burn there creature like a red deck but mid game i slow way down cus i play by draw 0 cards in hand
yea i have np with mana... one lash is out i canbeef up huge prob is if i cant i run out of crads because i can lay down so fast so early
then you dont need dreage at all to make 2/2 imp bridge to graveyard and start skullclamping and your guys.... they just keep coming back out with land then with you have a few 2/2 zombies lay the 2/1 zombie booster for 4 mana and swing plus nethers have haste only cost 2 it works been testing :)
ok i been playing with this a while now i see what you mean ever try skull clamp with bloodghast / nether shadow and nether trator? good draw and creature return and Mean with a bridge in works for ichorid too
Good Deck... just a few suggestions i would drop the tireless tribe and add Bloodghast. and i also removed Cabal Therapy for Nether_Shadow. this gives you more creatures for dread return also if things get bad it makes your grave troll meaner end game. instead of useing your Cabal Therapy you wait / dredge then lay land and get a few bloodghast out for second return