Anax and Cymede is also great for soulbond. Here's a possible alternative: +1 Mauler+2 Anax/Cymede-3 Thoctar?You could also try to make room for Slayers' Stronghold (1 or 2), which can pretty much turn any of your guys into Thoctars
Nevermind didn't see him in sideboard.
Where the hell is Boros 'Badass' Reckoner?
But if the Displacer gets wiped out?
The combo sounds legit, but what do you do to protect it? I don't see any way to deal with removal or anything. Perhaps protection such as Feat of Resistance or hexproof such as Void Grafter?
Ihave a Naya deck though. It's posted as well
I just recently posted my casual Naya mirange ramp build that is somewhat similar to this. Maybe you can check it out?
Life From the Loam for land recovery?
It's good for the unblockable at will and also acts as a scryer
What about Thassa?
Oh. And board Needles. Tokens' biggest threat is Ratchet Bomb/Engineered Explosives
And I personally like Alive//Well just for the life gain spam side
Hour of Reckoning? And obviously Captain of the Watch
Well technically one Corpsejack, a Progenitor Mimic, and two Mimic tokens all copying Jack lol
Okay new record...My Corpsejack counter deck just dealt 2456 in one go with 4x Corpsejacks plus Bioshift. lolz.
No commander?
I would have went G/W with Phytohydra instead of B/G with Vulturous Zombie. Idk why but I've always loved Phyto.
Siege Dragon.
Idk how to post links here yet from a phone, but check out the Theros Aura deck on my page.
I just built a budget Aura deck in Standard with R/W.
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