
128 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

I have a deck that's pretty similar. Some suggestions through actual play-testing:

Doomed Traveler (A hell of a one drop, survives wrath effects, and gladly chumps aggressive creatures)

Raise the Alarm (Lowers your mana curve; essentially an instant speed Gather the Towns Folks)

Spectral Procession (3 fliers for 3 mana, the extra body of evasion is well worth the WWW mana cost)

Hour of Reckoning (An absolute powerhouse in this deck, especially when paired with Intangible Virtue. Allows you to alpha swing with your entire field, then tap your dudes to do a one-sided board wipe. GG.)

Brave the Elements (A card that'll be essential to surviving matchups that mainboard heavy creature removal, and helps your attackers slip past enemy blockers.)

Cards I didn't like:
Entreat the Angels (I didn't find it consistent enough, it slows the deck down. Having it in your opening hand is a burden, as there's no efficient way to play it, and it often comes at irrelevant times.)

Oblivion Ring (Seems more like side board material. This deck is about pooping out aggressive tokens, not interacting with your opponents board)

Timely Reinforcements (You should have more creatures than your opponent by the time you play this.)

Mikaeus, the Lunarch (Haven't ran him yet admittedly, but he looks slow. I personally like Adjani Goldmane's -1 ability in comparison.)

-2 Vault of the Archangel (22 land for a more aggressive curve, Vault takes a bit of mana to activate, and you'll most likely have ran into one of the two copies by the time it can even be activated.) If budget allows, sub 4 swamp for 4 marsh flats, helps thin the deck while keeping your mana ratio consistent.

Posted 01 November 2013 at 05:29 as a comment on Sorin tokens


^^If you care to do any test draws.

Posted 28 September 2011 at 04:12 in reply to #202949 on FUN =D


The biggest problem I see is you're going to end up killing yourself with your own enchantments, unless you manage to get Personal Sanctuary out. Other than that, your own deck will end up killing you just as quick as your opponents. I'd recommend investing more into life gain to compensate for the damage you'll inevitably end up dealing yourself; and try to focus less into big burn spells like fireball and blaze. The enchantments themselves will do the killing, so you can save your mana for cheaper spells. I did a small revision:

3x Soul's Attendant
3x Soul Warden
2x Auramancer
4x Power Surge
4x Citadel of Pain
2x Leyline of Sanctity
4x Personal Sanctuary
4x Manabarbs
10x Plains
10x Mountain
4x Lightning Bolt
4x Lightning Helix
2x Rebuff the Wicked
4x Safe Passage

The most important change is the addition of Soul Warden/Soul's Attendant. For just one mana, you're going to be gaining life as your opponents play creatures. Multiples of these on the field can net you a ton of life, not to mention they also double as expendable chump blockers to protect you from big threats.

I opted to drop Caged Sun, Fire Servant, and the big burn spells. Like I said before, the enchantments will do the work for you. Instead, I added 2 more lightning bolts, as well as 4 lightning helix. Lightning Helix is excellent for pinging creatures, can directly damage to players, and will also gain you life to compensate for those enchantments.

As mentioned, drop Holy Day in favor of Safe Passage. Safe Passage can be played at the beginning of your turn to prevent all the damage that will be dealt by your enchantments (including damage taken by the land you tapped to play Safe Passage if you have Mana Barbs on the field). It's an excellent alternative if you don't have a Personal Sanctuary on the field.

The only other changes was the substitution of Leyline of Sanctity instead of Ivory Mask, and added a couple Rebuff the Wicked to protect your enchantments.

I really like the deck concept, can't wait to see it.

Posted 28 September 2011 at 04:09 as a comment on FUN =D
