Competitive Storm Crow [Help]

by acedev on 22 April 2017

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Creatures (2)

Instants (6)

Artifacts (2)

Enchantments (5)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description

Overhauling Storm Crow right now.. 12-26-2017

How to Play

Put your opponent on a 20 turn clock with Storm Crow.

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 5,065 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Deck Format


NOTE: Set by owner when deck was made.

Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Competitive Storm Crow [Help]

Very............. interesting.

Posted 23 April 2017 at 02:17


Aura Finesse doesn't attach Conscription in the hand to Storm Crow. You would have to use the Aura Swap ability. Plus if you already have Conscription on Researchers, why not just swing with it? If you have Slip through Space, it's damage either way. I feel like you could drop Finesse for something better here honestly.

Posted 23 April 2017 at 02:28


The most important card (Storm Crow) and a not as important, but still important card (Arcanum Wings) both cost two mana. Muddle the Mixture is worth considering as it can counter most removal that would come your way and tutor for these important pieces.

Have you considered adding white? This would open up access to cards like Heliod's Pilgrim and Open the Armory to help search for the Auras.

Posted 27 April 2017 at 23:39


Open the Armory is a good cheap alternative to use vs Enlightened Tutor. It's worth a minor splash. You could add a single plains and either Flooded Strand or one of the basic fetchlands like Evolving Wilds (I don't recomend them if this is competitive because the land you fetch enters tapped)

Posted 28 April 2017 at 03:41


I have been testing the Panorama lands from the Alara block as a budget alternative to the rare fetches. So far I've found them better that Evolving Wilds / Terramorphic Expanse, though still worse than the rare fetches. The Panorama do require {1} to fetch a basic, but the up side is the Panorama itself enters untapped and can tap for {C}. Bant Panorama or Esper Panorama are the choice Panorama for this deck.

I haven't bothered testing Warped Landscape from Shadows over Innistrad. While it can fetch any basic land, it costs {2} to activate, which is worse that the {1} of the Panorama.

Posted 28 April 2017 at 07:15


Yeah warped landscape isn't as good, but I can see the panorama land being better because they do tap for mana. That's a good upside for when you don't need to fetch but do need mana

Posted 30 April 2017 at 00:42


Have you though about taking out Storm Crow and putting in creatures that are already unblockable or have hexproof.
Like Slippery Bogle or Troll Ascetic. There's lots of low mana hexproof creatures you could put in and they would be safe as the weakness in this deck appears to be how easily removed storm crow is before you get a chance to pump him up.

Posted 28 April 2017 at 10:38


Taking Storm Crow out is blasphemy. Storm Crow is best card.

Jokes aside, it's obvious that there's better options than Storm Crow, but that defeats the object of this deck.

Posted 28 April 2017 at 10:47


I suppose you could use it to throw your opponent off lol. They might think of this guys playing some simple deck a little 1/2 flyer he's no threat and then bam! Swinging for 11 with trample and annihlator lol

Posted 28 April 2017 at 10:57


aqueous form. you cant really go with your bird homie, if you want control you need hexproof. and theres really only boggles and gladecover scout for 1 drop hexproofs. which is what you want.
also aura swap on arcanum is instant speed so you can always do that after blockers. but yeah, the fact that you have a flyer with flying is sketch homie. plus you want the annihilate on the conscription so you want it before you declare attackers.

heliods pilgrim would search for auras.

Posted 01 May 2017 at 03:49


It's like you didn't bother to read the deck info or any of the comments before posting this...

Posted 01 May 2017 at 04:34


aqueous form. gladecover scout 1 drop hexproofs.
aura swap on arcanum is instant speed so you can always do that after blockers. flyer with flying is sketch homie. want the annihilate conscription want it before declare attackers.

heliods pilgrim search auras.

1) Sorting through the deck to establish the combo (drawing / searching) -heloids
2) Speeding up the combo (mana acceleration, cheaper identical pieces) -heloids
3) Protecting the combo (stopping removal) glade and aqueous form
4) Using the combo (other pieces to consider) - instant speed
5) Keeping myself from dying from my opponent (control) -
* Optional * Sneaking in the enchantment before the damage step (extra sneaky) instant.

It's like you didn't bother to read the deck info or any of my comment before posting this...

Posted 01 May 2017 at 05:19


He isn't removing crow or researchers in place of scout, nor would he use a three drop when there is already a two drop that does the same thing in here already.

Flying on flying is sketch yes, but that might also give the opponent the illusion that maybe the deck builder is just a noob until SURPRISE!!! uber lethal storm crow.

Aqueous Form is great, but the deck already has Slip through Space (yeah, I know it's an enchantment vs a one off spell).

Also, your optional doesn't work. its like when you use Sovereigns of Lost Alara to pull Conscription, it doesn't take effect until after combat is finished.


I think between me and Dedwards, we have this covered. It's not like we haven't been here for all that long...

Posted 01 May 2017 at 10:23


you are incorrect about sovereigns... it happens during the end of declare attackers step. so if you were to put conscription on the bird with that ability it has conscription, but you wouldnt get the annihilate trigger since it wasnt in play when you declared attacks but rather at the end of the declaration phase. if you were to trigger aura swap in response to your opponent not declaring blockers then you'd have a +10/+10 bird. but youve been here for a while so i guess you clearly knew how instant speed works. also guessing you know that heloids lets you SEARCH YOUR LIBRARY FOR AN ENCHANTMENT. aka its NOT the same thing as researchers. but what do I know, I just read the card and the rulings on it. aqueous form is strictly better than slip being that it is permanent. so piss off, clearly you dont know what you're talking about.

Posted 01 May 2017 at 19:14


You're both right and I have considered hex proofers. If I have space in the deck I will add them, but I need some way of consistently getting the combo available and ready, even if storm crow isn't in play yet, so I can sneak in the way. Instant speed would be hilarious, but annihilator 2 early game is also devastating. Also I appreciate spells like slip through space since they are can trips and somewhat help me dig through my deck. I just wish enlightened tutor was modern legal. Maybe we can find a way to speed up the mana ramp.

Posted 01 May 2017 at 20:07


...OPEN. THE. ARMORY. Look! A cheaper alternative to pilgrim! That's already in the deck! Imagine that...

I never said researchers let you search, I said there was a card in the deck already that did.

Posted 02 May 2017 at 00:03


It would be nice, and pretty broken, if researchers searched for it.

Posted 02 May 2017 at 02:10


It'd be borderline mythic at that point, casting it and searching for an enchant, then putting it into play attached to it. That's insane power.

Posted 02 May 2017 at 10:18


you always make me laugh drake, awesome feedback!

Posted 02 May 2017 at 20:16


*waves to crowd of cheering onlookers*
Thank you! I'm here till Doomsday! ;)

Posted 02 May 2017 at 21:49


This deck somewhat relies on surprise factor, which won't work well if it gains much popularity. I'm not sure what to do about that, just something to think about

Posted 01 May 2017 at 19:25


all right, you love Storm Crow (who doesn't?), but if you want to be really sneaky, you should use a card without flying. Personally? Thriving Turtle. Or something else along the lines, just to make it liekly to enchant it with flying. Yeah, the suspicion will stay, but you can act really innocent, maybe throw in some not-so-good counters, just to strenghen the idea that you have a lousy deck...

Posted 01 May 2017 at 20:42


Love someone making storm crow competitive, at least as competitive as it can be. Love it!!

Posted 02 May 2017 at 18:10


Would you guys stop gushing over Storm Crow? It's really not funny. If the joke is that it's a bad card, Sea Eagle is strictly worse. There are so many obviously strictly better cards: Aether Swooper, Erdwal Illuminator, Glint-Nest Crane, Illusionary Informant, Metropolis Sprite, Mist Intruder, Screeching Silclaw, Seacoast Drake, Tempest Owl, Thalakos Sentry, Wu Light Cavalry, and Carnivorous Death-Parrot. It's really a nonsensical joke. If the humor is that the whole idea is absurd, that has definitely worn off in the past years.

Posted 02 May 2017 at 22:59


It came out in a set with a spell that let you discard a blue creature (and pay 1 life I think) instead of paying its mana cost. Storm crow was the worst blue creature in the set, it was often discarded. Its flavortext makes it sound more powerful than it is. It became a joke because it was weak, but popular. Plus the mtg community isn't good at letting things go (see the term mill, grizzly bear, etc.). So the joke just stuck around

Posted 03 May 2017 at 00:25


As far as I know. I'm a bit behind in the older lore

Posted 03 May 2017 at 17:32


#storm crow op

Posted 07 May 2017 at 01:34


Someone needs to send WotC some Chinese food with "ban storm crow" witten on it. That thing is way too powerful

Posted 07 May 2017 at 03:20



Posted 07 May 2017 at 03:40


If you're still considering adding red, Fling might be a solid option.

Posted 07 May 2017 at 04:38


Could sovereigns of lost alara help this out? Might be two slow

Posted 20 May 2017 at 21:09


It would, but curve wise the deck should be winning before that. Plus with Open the Armory he can tutor up what he needs turn one

Posted 21 May 2017 at 01:10


I honestly hope this deck can hold its own decently in a competitive setting, mostly because nothing would be funnier than watching someone have to use fatal push on a storm crow or even admit that they lost to it

Posted 21 May 2017 at 01:11


Um... there's nothing embarrassing about losing to the most broken card ever printed.

Posted 21 May 2017 at 04:40


I never said it wasn't, but everyone loses to stuff like infect and the spaghetti monsters. Rarely is anyone bold enough to run the crow

Posted 21 May 2017 at 07:04


Yeah, whenever I play this, if my opponent has a black mana source, I just sit back and hope they don't have fatal push. Also, it is a bird that can fly, I'm pretty sure that it can survive a shove from a really tall tower.

Posted 22 May 2017 at 03:41


Theoretically, fatal push and tragic slip shouldn't work on fliers

Posted 22 May 2017 at 17:29


I respect your attempt to make a competitive storm crow deck. It needs more reliable combination. In fact, I'd suggest making it all-or-nothing (make its whole purpose to search the cards you need and get them into play ASAP). More card draw / search / transmute is in order. And possibly other combo cards besides eldrazi conscription. Might I suggest splashing black, and perhaps dark deal:

Posted 29 May 2017 at 05:01


Why dark deal? If he wanted to do that then why not just go serum powder?

Posted 29 May 2017 at 09:59


alternatively, you could add more control cards with a splash as well. Maybe since you're running blue and storm crow is a troll card anyway you could use land destruction enchantments (evil presence, etc.) There are a bunch of blue / black cards that do that. Or you could also use opponent discard cards. These can be used as well in place of card draw or combined with it.

Posted 01 June 2017 at 03:09
