If you can run some of the red/green lands from Scars. They'll remove the need for abundant growth and Evolving wilds.
you're mana curve is too high. The deck will run too slowly for infect to really work. Try using the cheap infect mobs, 1 or 2 drops, and cheap green buffs like Titanic Growth, Mutagenic Growth, Ranger Guile etc. Using the new green enchantment from Avacyn Restored....Can't remember its name but it basically gives monsters +3/+3 whenever they are targeted by instants or sorcs. Also definitely need an Inkmoth Nexus in here
Had considered running cheaper monsters with Sun Titan to more consistently bring them back to feed Flayer. Sheoldred may not be consistent enough by her lonesome
lol. Is it that hard to use periods? I was referring more to your comments though, but in regards to the main text a grammar check would do you some good too lol. Its not a big deal; its just not very hard to add some simple punctuation to make your sentences flow a tad smoother.
As it is now, its a slow aggro blue =/ . I don't know what to tell you man. Blue creatures on the whole are weak; blues strengths generally lie in the control or deck manipulation realm (mostly sorceries and instants). This isn't always true, but I just don't see this deck getting you very far. Have no 1 drops, and 19 3 drops is a little wonky too. You have no turn 1, and a very weak turn 2. Most my decks would have you dead by turn 5 at the most, but maybe thats just me.
Deck looks great. Interesting idea; making good use of an odd mechanic, self mill. Just one thing dude..... punctuation is really helpful if you want people to read what you're saying. A run on sentence the length of a paragraph is odd to read. Just sayin
Also, 13 lands is waaaaaaay too few. You'll be mana dry for days
I'll try it!
This isn't actually a deck I run. I put this together for a friend. I used this website to keep my thoughts organized. Personally, I play Zombies. Werewolves are narly though. They pretty much play themselves.
Yeah I keep a couple Black Sun Zenith's handy. They save the day. But yeah...messenger is ridiculous. Basically 3 mana for 2 creatures and 4 damage. So OP lol. I'm glad I inspired something in someone lol. Did you run a deck like this one?
I considered Mikeous but I don't know. I'll play test em. and yeah the sideboard is just there to keep me reminded of what could go in
Decided to remove 4x Highborn in favor of more Spells and 2x Grave Titans. I don't have anything filling that two drop place but I don't feel like there's any really good 2 drop zombie. Will look around
Removed the Rooftop Storm. 6 cmc is too steep. Also, considered putting Havengul Lich in here, but I've found that relying on him just slows the deck. Smaller quicker zombies seem to do the trick very nicely. Considering putting 2x Grave Titan Back in because...well because he's a beast. need to figure out what to remove
Looks great man. If you wouldn't mind, take a look at some of my decks and let me know what you think =)
meant 2* . Oh and I'd love some advice on my decks if you wouldn't mind. Golems: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=269433 Zombies:http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=295316 and my personally favorite W/G Humans: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=273122
I'd remove 3 markov Blademaster for 3 Mirran Crusaders. The getting stronger is a great mechanic but until she gets stronger she's essentially a 2/1 which can be shut down extremely easily. Mirran's protects is also very helpful against many decks. Otherwise looks like a solid idea. It seems to be human tribal, might want to add 4x Adaptive Automaton to get the humans really hitting.
lol. Very brazen of you considering how badly this deck would beat yours. This isn't a good way to get attention man
I just lol'd hard at Storm Crow making the list. Got love the trolololol community
This looks almost the same as the Werewolf deck I built for a buddy the other day. I just figured some burn would be useful, but to each his own
Wouldn't Inkmoth nexus be good in here? I'm just wondering, but I figure a flying infect that you can buff is always welcome. I realize you can't target it with Livewire, but You won't always have that out and ready. Just a thought
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