i cant stop laughing
3-1, luckily didnt face a burn deck o.0
Yea and i actually placed ina tournament with it!The key was actually putting in Whip of Erebos and comboing with Seige Rhino
Yea this was just a fun idea haha. I like Keranos for his versatility but he just cant win alone. Most of the time, you will win because of Prog Sphinx. I will try to advance on itThanks for your input <3
It is annoying to fix :/
Honestly i would take out Eidolon for Burning Tree.Most of your spells are 2-3 drops so you are getting hurt more than your opponent. So put Eidolon in your sideboard for aggro match ups because otherwise, your 17 2 drops will kill you lol.
Your deck is relatively low drop so you should make your lands 20, not 24. Add 2 Fanatics and then Some Boros Reckoners and it will look ok.
It would take away from the real Sheer amount of low drop token Producers hes got. Its really the big Flyer he is going for rather than the chump blockable ground force. And he can do Seraph off of Convoke so the only downside is "BoardWipe"
hes fixin it up
Thats the ultimate problem. Standard Discard abilities are hard to find and Whispering madness seems like the other card to throw in along with mind rot... but then the deck becomes so weird
you could also just throw Lingering Souls or Spectral Procession in. I know Lingering souls has a Black Flashback but it is still another token producer if you need more. And Triplicate Spirit is awesome anyway so good deck man
You are forgetting the Burning Tree Emissaries in your red devotion deck ;).
But thats the point! If you die then you just didnt kill them fast enough.. and yea I guess I was just hoping that you would make them discard fast enough to get to that point where affliction works. I can choose the Upkeep triggers because I own both and have them take damage if need be. And hopefully in the standard game these days they are taking much more damage then i am considering I tried to keep everything mostly below 3.
Hell to the yes.
Steelform Sliver is also a good cut idea.
You can also do blue for Diffusion Sliver.
Splash Blue for Gale Rider, Take out Megantic and Battle Sliver and try to cut down to 60. :D
And try to run 4 sets of okay creatures even if you are doing budget. A deck with more consistency is much better in the long run. Make your dream deck here!
And then you put in Red for Hellkite Tyrant... Technically winning because of Artifacts!
Would worldspine wurm go back in your deck before you draw for Life's legacy?
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