Nice Robin Hood reference btw
Switched them out for the scry land. Any ideas on what to swap for ajani's chosen? I was thinking hopeful eidolon...
Daxos is really fun! I think when people read it they get overwhelmed by his paragraph of text and think he doesn't fit or he's too hard to build around. When it's actually one of those cards that doesn't need a deck built around it. Kind of like pack rat in black devotion. It's actually really OP, I've stolen many really good cards with him.
I run temple of enlightenment in it but I put gates in this because it use to have way of the thief in it but I took it out for holy mantle.
Go for it. Dimir is such a good guild for a 1 drop deck I don't see why you both couldn't make one....
I know! In excited to play it now. Thanks to you guys with all the good input!'s azorius although you could make an orzhov version with tormented soul and holy mantle. I have an exalted deck with tormented soul and holy mantle.
Just FYI U/W makes for a mean unblockable deck. I have a standard one that's fun as hell to play.
I feel like that last half should be the flavor text for masticore haha.
Haha! Rock paper scissors.
I meant a Golgari version of undead alchemist. I just like memory sluice because it's conspire cost is easy to pay in this deck and it's top 8. I could run a couple of both though.
Lake of the dead isn't modern legal but I will try to find a spot for endless ranks, it makes more sense with the changes that have been made.Yeah I think I like disciple of griselbrand and viscera seer as the sac engine. I'll have to play a few games with each and maybe even try running both to compare effectiveness.
Well thanks to him for informing you and thanks to you for posting it. I'm going to use it now haha.
That would be awesome! It would have to be a G/B card though. Come on wizards! Make a golgari version! Please!!!
Oddly enough I've never thought about using him for that. Great idea!
Unless I have multiple undead out..... Then I get lots of tokens.
Undead alchemist's second ability works anytime a creature is put into opponents graveyard from the library. I usually get at least two when I play memory sluice.
Either way I'm glad to see Squee found a good home. One of the goofiest goblin cards.
Good suggestion, I might try to trade for one or two to use in casual play.
Ohhh man! You got me all excited then I saw its from tempest and isn't legal in modern. Such a good card though, wish they would've reprinted it.
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