@hyperman012 The argument against the mana dorks can be easily rectified by just playing the deck. You want a deck that has a reliable T3 4 drop or even 5 drop. For instance, T3 Nissa can equal a T4 Ugin. That leads to a win 90% of the time. Not to mention if you monstrous Polukranos for X=18 there isnt much the opponent can do about that short of a kill spell. I understand your concern about the dorks but it isn't correct.
I actually Top 8'd PPTQ with this deck on Saturday. My board plan for control is something like this:-4 Chained to the Rocks-2 Lightning Strike+2 Searing Blood+1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion+2 Banishing Light+1 Glare of HeresyThis may seem odd considering that I board in the searing bloods.....however, on a whim I tried it and it is interesting. It was actually the card that won me the match. Killing their tokens and dealing 3 dmg was pretty huge. The rest of the SB plan speaks for itself.
I ran the Mono G/B Devotion pre-rotation and I loved it. Of course why wouldn't I love dropping a Sylvan Primordial T2. Regardless, I find that these lists are remarkably prone to drawing nothing but mana dorks and having nearly no out unless you rip a Genesis Hydra off the top for X=6. The R/G devotion list that looks nearly identical to this is also really good since you are able to use Xenagos PW and Xenagod. Just a thought, but as it stands this list is not bad since Nissa is a game winner.
http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/article.asp?ID=12064This is an article that I found on TCG player that outlines some of the prospective decks going into week 0 of Khans standard. In response to your thoughts on Urborg, I will most likely be cutting it to make room for a Temple of Plenty. With the amount of manipulation that this decks produces via Courser/Fetches/Scrylands/Wayfinder/etc... scrying becomes an invaluable tool. Thank you for the input on the land situation!I will be commenting on your decklists for my opinions on them as well!
I would have thought so too, but after watching Travis Woo's video today I don't feel the same anymore. You should take a look at it! The reason I feel this is a bit more well positioned is because Goblin Guide and Young Pyromancer give me a board state that can lay down the beats. I also have the combo option as well if I have the opportunity.
Well honestly we were running 4 Vexing Devils instead of the Snapcasters because lets face it if he sticks that is a lot to handle T1 and if he doesn't that is 4 dmg for 1 CMC. We will playtest through both configurations to see how they play out, but I definitely see your concern that it is a wasted slot.
Sweet! We are adding some other things to it to see if there are any easy mods to make to the list.
Yea I am building it with a friend. We are trying to make it a thing! Considering Snapcaster for some shenanigans.....
truth data lol
haha, every time I play any tron game I hope they whiff on lands.
R/G Tron is a really tough matchup for sure. I just have to hope I can hurry up and kill them faster than they can assemble the combo.....and to be honest the glavanic blast are 16 free dmg....if I can get them to like 10 by turn 3 then I can maybe blast them ftw. Granted this seems like shooting for the stars but it has happened more often than I thought it would.
Playtesting it has yielded good results so far. My playtest group consists of Mono U tron/Mono Green Gen wave/Twin/Jund. So far it has answers to everything while maintaining that typical super aggressive aggro feel that Affinity is famous for. My reasoning for Galvanic blast is mainly the meta here in coastal Virginia where there are not too many control decks. By running blast I have access to removal for twin which was a really tough matchup for me previously. Aether vial is just so good at keeping the pressure up with manlands too! My friend playing mono U tron doesn't even like playing against it now because of Aether vial. Good luck to you if you do, I hope to place well in TCG VA states tomorrow!
Bahaha I had never considered but it is very true. In the mirror I could see vialing him in to be a great way of using this as well.