This isn't your typical mana ramp deck, which in my opinion can very well be a one trick pony, you play cards that give you a lot of mana then don't do anything with that mana, with my Green Vision deck, you're able to do it all, create an amount of mana that is enough for you to easily win the game and be able to maintain a board presence.
This is a good place to start with this deck, for starters we run a playset of both Bayou and Savannah, for our fetchlands we run 3 Windswept Heath mostly because white has a more prominent place in the deck, and 2 Verdant Catacombs. Here is where the land starts to get a bit more complicated, we run 1 copy of Scrubland, 1 Dryad Arbor as a target for Green Suns Zenith and one Forest to deal with Wasteland.
In my instances, I have 2 copies of Extirpate to stop my opponents from casting their play sets of Force Of will, or flashing back something with snapcaster mage, or even stopping pesky graveyard based decks. 2 copies of Summoner's Pact, which is mostly used on turn 4 to fetch a copy of Vengevine for a quick and easy 4 damage. Then finally, we run 4 copies of Tithe, which is used to get two Savannahs, which is quite easy considering how few lands I actually play compared to other decks that are popular in the meta at the moment.
My three Sorcerys, first, Green Sun's Zenith this is used to get any creature Im looking for, this is efficient turn 1 for 0 mana to fetch Dryad Arbor as a quick ramp spell that gets shuffled back into my library. Next we go to my 2 copies of Cabal Therapy, which can be used to get rid of multiples of my opponents cards, the flashback allows me to sac a creature that I am no longer using such as a birds of paradise, Dryad Arbor, or even a Vorapede. My final Sorcery is Vindicate, which is incredibly powerful, 3 mana to destroy any permanent, that kind of power is absolutely insane, it can shut down a greedy mana pool or any pesky thing on the battlefield.