I would cut some craterhoof behemoths, 4 seems like a lot for such a high costing card. You are also going to need more lower mana cost creatures. When the majority of your creatures are above 6 mana, it'l be tough for you to get a keepable opening hand
This could work if you have a win condition and a bit more land
Thragtusk and Primeval titan are good, but you have far too many mana ramp cards. Also, lifegain isn't that strong of a strategy for green.
The land base isn't bad, but this deck is actually illegal. Also with no creatures or damage spells, you won't be able to win ;)
If frost titan is your only win condition, It is'nt nessecary to have a playset of them, 4 clones, and four jwari shapeshifters. (Also, Jawari Shapeshifter will enter as a copy of ANOTHER ALLY. Ally is a creature type, not a creature you control; you can't clone a frost titan with them.) In order for you to delay the game 6 turns to get out FT, you will need a lot more counterspells and ways to interact with your opponent, especially with aggro decks...I just don't think that fog banks and propaganda will cover it. I would also cut out Steel of the Godsend completey, as frost titans abilities will help deal with thier creatures, and once you get the frost titan/clone ball rolling, the last thing you want to do is waste any mana on something, when you could be using it for counters. I would also run around 24 islands rather than 20. In a control deck, you want to hit your land drops every turn. Any misses and you might not have enough to counter their cards, or you get frost titan a turn late.TL;DRCut: Jwari ShapeshifterSome clonesSteel of the GodsendAdd:More ways to interact with your opponentLand