Yes and it worked pretty well but its a slow and boring way to win
Name: 4xem4nFormats: modern + extendedExpertise: Im interested in building budget decks for modern and extended. My inspiration are deck techs which are not suggested as budget strategies.
Second sun was the only win-conditon. I would swap Gideon against Purity. This way i have two win conditions. I dont know if the deck will work but i report you the the results of my testing phase
Thanks for your suggestions. I take some changes from you. Howling mine for example. But the other suggestions are no budget options.
Do you think its genrall playable or did you see any weak points?
Ty, this deck looks awesome <3
May u build a budget deck that favors green black evles? as insperation, something like that:
So Aetherling shouldn't be the target of a cipher spell?
What about an aetherling ?Thanks for this idea, build a mill deck with an option of cipher: free to leave a comment!
Another type of token deck:
Inspired by your deck i've created my own version of an angel deck:
Nice! may you share your experience with us?
I also build a deck like this but the focus is on the tokens: like the combination of the masses of tokens and the seraph of masses
I need some advices for the creature base. Its realy tough, my thoughts were on a leviathan or some demons but the cost are to high. Illusory angel isnt here an option because we have no cheap spells to get it effective onto the battlefield. The Ageless is my only really thought for the creature base but, is no win con. What would be your conlcusions?
This deck will be transformed into a standard deck with the release of the new expansion
i think you 're right, i change some thing a little bit and think this deck will be now playable. i kick out mindswipe and the angel and add 3x banishing light and 4x the sphinx
Thanks anyways, i dont like prognostic sphinx. which card would even fit?
Thanks for your advices, illusory angel is a part of my win con. But it seems to be not that good. what would be your conclusion for this spot as win con?And the tipp with treasure cruise is nice, tanks for that!
Which elf for two mana?
The first attempt to reduce the price, i kicked the land Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and saytr hedenoist, for kioras follower and karametras acolyte. It has the same synergy as the other combo, but it is a way cheaper
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