you made this deck way to complicated to rely on any of the spells LOL athe deck should be like this 4x goblin guide 4x ball lightning 3x hells thunder 4x plated geopede 4x figure of destiny the point is to kill your opponent. not say lookie at all my pretty goblins, then kill him. i mean DONT get me wrong. GOBLINS ARE AMAZING. but your trying to go for a deck that with so many good counterspells it just wont work. you have to be quicker then FAE, and B/W control and you have to be harder hitting then naya. if you like your fireball so much CHANGE IT to something like, oh idunno, the card that you pay (X)R and if X is more then 5 it cant be countered out of conflux. WAY BETTER. the deck is nice but i think it needs some major adjustments.
go with 1 of sun titan, 1 of baneslayer, 1 of wurmcoil engine, 1 of frost titan. this eliminates the fear of memoricide on a tapped out turn. path to exile and oblivion ring arent in standard so you should replace those soon.
less mox opals. they are lengendary... go to 2 mox opals 2 overflowing chalises
jace's ensure is a very...veryy...BAD CARD.. use something thaat better fits the deck like....jace 2.0. minsculptor!
add ope the vaults :p and like 20 mana, and scourglass and uhm... armageddon! haha check out my m11 deck.
stop making mono colored decks. 90% of the time they dont win because control decks drop iona.
yours is too gas run out of. lol Deck link:
lol i like it, the obelisk is a sure thing game saver. i really like it.
hmm. i thinks its good but you may have passed the amount of spells i allowed. let me review the others and com back.
actually a very good one. this one is definately in contention for the win.
i think it is very good. but my problem with this, is drawing too many mountains. i think you need a little tweaking. try hand draws and see what happens.
agreed doaki. but the excavators are still 1 card + a 1/3 blocker for 2 mana. its a good second turn drop. amazing if you can get 2 out.
so if i were to make a sideboardfor this it would be like talemin performance, and black removal like doom blade. also black protection creatures like black knight.
my bad! i didnt read that card very well. change that to rite of replication.
ok so i would suggest way more artifact lands, try going to the borderposts out of the alara block. and i would suggest out the vigor. it has no place as it is way too slow. go with more of the dual man land guy. if oyu cant get your feind off he is gonna be your finisher. i like the look but be careful of aggro/removal. itll take you down a peg or too. thank you for the ask to help you! have a nice day. ~4GGR0!
if oyu need a side board it would be like black removal (doom blade) and like red land removal (gblin ruinblaster.) point of the deck is to get them lower then you, and earthquake or fireball for the win.
check out belbe's portal. the fact that he has no tokens means nothing. the deck is awesome! lol with some tweaking you could make it an EDH deck! i wouldnt wanna deal with a 6th turn emerakul. would you?
heres a 10 for having the patience to write this out.
oblivion rings instead of journeys.
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