Since this is kinda a mill mind as well throw a Keening Stone in there! And instead of playing the leyline of the void on opening hand...wait till turn 4 or 5...maybe even turn 6 to drop leyline of the void that way there are cards in their graveyard then play keening stone and go to town! I was thinkin bout making a deck like this! I like what you got though! I think it would be fun to play! Just gotta be careful if anyone is playing mass polymorph with Emrakul or any of the mythis Eldrazi's! Good build though! :)
Hahahaha that's happened before! What I love is having to stall the game out so long that you get to hardcast emmy...that's usually when they scoop for me...otherwise they want to play it out even thought it's pretty much game! If they play white I always call white with
I actually made the change today to stormtide leviathon...I'm gonna try it tomorrow night in FMN and see how it does! my three targets are just ionna, emmy, and stormtide...and I have enough stall and counter magic to make it to turn 6 or 7...i'm also thinking about running silences in the main board so i can make them waste their mana and counter on a silence instead of on the mass poly...what do you think of that idea?
Thank you for the advice! I will definitely think about it!!! I would rather be able to swing with EVERYTHING the turn after I mass having a terastadon out with stormtide would be bad for me...basically...not to be mean but..i want game to be over right after I mass polymorph you know? So swing for a shit ton next turn for game you know?
Thank you very much! I'm a control player so adding the white in there for more control has really was originally just blue and green but i decided to put white in there for more planeswalker and creature control and it has actually been very helpful...I just enjoy the option of being able to hardcast all my creatures...I've been able to hold opponents until i can hard cast something due to thought hemorraging out my mass poly's or whatnot...and being able to hardcast ionna is amazing! Thank you for the compliment though! :D
I think I'll take ulamog out...the original deck was a combo deck with a magister sphinx and 2 of the hellkites that deal 5 damage when they hit the I would mass poly for three and that would be game...but i found that if they destroyed one of my tokens then I would mass for two and end up losing for whatever reason...since the new changes it's been running pretty good...wins bout 8 out of 10 times except against cap America...
I like the idea...very broken...i run a niv deck however i don't like to be so broken mainly cause it's no fun to the other i run mindmoils and a bunch of cheap spells with reliquary tower as a land and a whispersilk to protect Niv from spot removal and such...but this deck is pretty broken i like it!