Remy! I thought you had a fat pack and weren't going to school because you didn't want to go to tennis
Tutor out a new one. That's why I run 12 tutors other than entomb
Are you a stalker?
Actually you think mana crypt is good. Your opinion counts for nil.
No Beasts rule tribal
Yes, but he knows. It is only him insisting that it is good, because he does not like to be in the wrong. Even Fugitive wizard is better than it.
But Mana Vault is Terrible
Yes, but why not Treasure Cruise
Yes, but why not Jace's Ingenuity
Yes, Why not Aggro
Just so you know, B = Black. U = Blue
Pretty good deck. If this is a life-gain deck, I suggest running Zulaport cutthroat, Bloodhound Vampire, Lantern Scout, Ondu Rising, Felidar Cub (Against tainted remedy) and Tandem tactics
Maybe run Jace's ingenuity
Is this your Commons/uncommons deck? If it isn't I'd suggest running Assault Formation.
I'll ask Conrad
You might want to add a sideboard
Pretty Good Deck
Great deck.
141-159 of 159 items