Sorry to recommend an expensive card that's usually not my style! Glad I could help, your list looks great! After you play a bunch just change the sideboard to what is big at your LGS or to fight what kills you the most. For me, after getting hosed by board sweepers and red decks that are a couple of turns quicker I now have sideboarded some lifegain and even splashed red to be able to side in boros charm. Little things like that, have fun!
I have a similar list in paper, looks great! Sunbaked canyon isn’t legal in pioneer, but to keep the tax theme you can replace them with field of ruin and/or scavenger ground. Having the colorless lands could put you into enough sources to be able to side in thought-knot seer for hand hate against the combo decks too. I know that runs off theme a little but it’s cheaper than splashing black for thoughtseize :)
Looks fun! How competitive is this deck meant to be? Mono black has some insane infinite combos if this is going the competitive route. For some more fun possible inclusions...altar of dementia is another sac outlet that can mill your opponent (or you...seeing you have a lot of reanimator spells), and bad moon makes all your creatures a little bigger (which also synergizes with altar of dementia).
Agreeing with TheSwarmer with dropping some lands, I'd also recommend smuggler's copter, night market lookout, and foul-tongue shriek. Those cards are much better than those instants you have, and still keep the deck at a very low curve (all of those cost one besides the copter). When you have a bunch of creatures that can already recur themselves you don't need all the instants you picked
Yea this deck is extremely fun to play, and Abzan ascendancys make it more fun than ever before. Don't let the price tag turn you off. If budget is a concern you can cut out $80 right away by taking out the 4 voice of resurgence and adding 4 safehold elite (a common from shadowmoor, 2 drop 2/2 with persist). You lose a lot of power but the persist synergizes surprisingly well with an abzan ascendancy drop. You can't really cut a lot from a 3 color mana base though. All the fetches are very necessary, even dropping one or two of them from the deck can consistently set this deck's game back a turn
Much better :P
You're absolutely right, but in a format full of turn 1 or turn 2 combo wins that seems to be dominated by force of wills, counterbalance/brainstorm (or broken blue cards in general), and ways to cycle through the deck for free, it's hard to grab even a single win in a 3 game set without a solid build. Don't get me wrong, I'd never buy this list unless I hit the mega millions lol! I'm working on a few budget legacy lists too, so check back on those. I just have a soft side for infect and always enjoyed playing it in standard so I wanted to see what a tournament worthy legacy list would cost.
Why get rekt when I can get shrekt ;)
Thanks for checking out the list! BUG seems to be all about graveyard shenanigans after khans, and some theros cards feed into it really well. You're right in how the term "budget" can be very loose depending upon the player. I consider competitive standard budget to be under $100, but I can take a crack at a sub $50 list when I get around to it! The best pieces in this deck are commons and uncommons, so it can definitely be done!
Thanks for your comment on my devotion deck! Your build is very good, the prophet and cyclonic rift are great ideas, it makes your build very unique! Never seen one quite like this yet!
Sweet! Great idea, I was actually thinking of using that card too!
Add sliver legion from future sight! In fact, when it comes to raw power, sliver legion makes an even better general than sliver queen!
Thanks for the comment and the information, will begin to think of replacement cards. How does the deck seem to run as a whole?
ooooo good call! did not think of that one lol xD thanks man :D
Not to resurrect this old post but...yavimaya dryad?
Cool deck! I like it, as long as you can get that sorin out fast enough, before getting aggroed by some aggressive deck you should be good to go. Very interesting strategy there :D
Two great ideas! never thought of using another locus, thank you very much!!
Very cool deck! I have a deck very similar to this, care to comment and help it along? It's called "into the void"
Hey thanks for your comment on my vampire deck! This one has some pretty good vamps too, and an interesting idea. The first thing i only have 2 vampire nighthawks??? Every vampire deck should have 4, that card has single handedly carried me to many victories. Another great vampire that i believe deserves to be in every deck is called bloodghast, put 4 into that deck immediately! If you need space for these vampires, i would drop the cards that have to do with discarding and sideboard them, while keeping your main 60 cards an aggro strategy. Other than that, you have a nice group of cards here! Keep up the good work!
I love the cards! from my experiences of playing a few discards, however, i find sometimes that my megrims/lilliana's caresses may sit there useless as my opponent plays top deck on me. I would reccommend either the deck or sideboard have 2 more of "the rack" to damage your opponent if he/she plays top deck
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