You'd only deal 19 damage with the one turn combo.
High Tide and Dark Ritual are both really good mana ramp. Make it even more effective by adding isochron scepter.
www.mtgvault/11111111/decks/tribute-to-tobuscusSorin told me about this deck, and I think it's hilarious!
You might get a huge troll but rancor would help get all that damage through.
I don't see any turn one win, but this is definitely an awesome deck. For a quicker win, I would suggest Buried Alive cause itgets three cards in the graveyard with Ad Nauseum could actually get you a turn one win if you add it.
You should probably swap the Domesticaters for Curse of Death's Hold.
I know it won't work on this site, but when Theros comes, Anax and Cymede would be great in here. Also, Shock is much better than Warleader's Helix here because with Nivix Cyclops and doublestrike, you want to be playing more spells in one turn.
Lockdown Smiter only comes back if your opponent makes you discard it.
What about Borbygamos for if you don't get Seismic Assault.
Seeing as you've got so much ramp, I would suggest Rude Awakening.
You might want to add Ghostly Prison and/or Sphere of Safety as a back-up in case their creatures are unhindered.
I know the theme is suspend, but it would be a lot better to remove the low-quality suspend creatures for unblockables and more control spells.
As I suggested in your last Deadreckoning deck, you should probably add Niv-Mizzet, Draco-Genius. He's a great offense and draw engine.
Keeping up the theme of DIE EVERYTHING DIE! You should probably add Mutilate, just for more fun.
Yeah, you probably only need 2. Newt's doubled ability could be really good if you have Bogbrew Witch.
Not really, I just needed something to back up my idea.
4 Griselbrand would be really overdoing it. Keep in mind it's a legendary, and with all the Apostles, you only need one, maybe two.
You should probably splash blue. Mic Mizzet, Draco-Genius is an amazing draw engine and offensive dragon. You could also add Hypersonic Dragon for an instant speed Wild Guess.
-1 Newt -1 Cauldron -1 Shock +3 Resonator
I would drop the summoning down to three and add one more Treasury Thrull. Getting multiple uses of Pacifism or anything for that matter is just really good.
1-20 of 81 items