Nice! i wouldnt mind owning this deck... I dont quite understand how you have been able to post so many decks... I dontthink any of mine could hold up against one of yours... Hopefully you will post some cool decks soon...
Primordial sage or forgotten ancient. If not then... Lurking predators, or aluren. I will choose... Lurking predators!
Cool! Its awesome... I'm trying to make a sliver deck, and just got the premium one - any advice on how to make it better?
Ok then, where do you suggest that the doubling season should go?
I love this deck! I don't think there is much you can change... If you wanted more cards there is glimpse of nature, and mana reflection to play them but you don't really need it. Well done.
You may need better synergy. Maelstrom angel is good, and if you wanted progenitus is cool. If it were to be creature based I would recommend a ancient ziggurat, or one of the dual lands like sunpetal grove...
This is a cool deck. I don't know much about skeletons, but it looks good. This might be a stupid suggestion, but is lim duls high gaurd any good? 9.5 stars.
I totally agree this has happened to me multiple times. It would be better maybe if we could see who was marking it and what they gave so we know who the 0 people are. 10 stars.
Dobling season actually slows it down. It is also too expensive - this is a casual deck, not a tourney deck. I do think that your mark was a bit harsh though.
Its cool. Only thing is, it isnt quick enough for a combo, and hasnt much card advantage - pretty soon you will be in top deck mode. A harmonise could possibly help. im not sure about llanowar elite - joraga warcaller is evidently better. A few more gaeas cradle wouldnt hurt.
This would be so cool with some skullvice...
In my defence, there is more than one win condition - i can swing with the experiment e.t.c. Mnemonic nexus could help if i put it in. I am also considering a few cancels. How about you recommend some cards next time, so it can be a good deck, rather than an ok deck?
That may be so, but surely you want quick eldrazi. Artistan of kozilek is a natures spiral, and you won't need more life if you play it right.I would for the spells take all out, but have 4x lightning bolt and 2 overwhelming stampede, then 4x of one card of your choice rancour wild growth or maybe instill energy. The land and enchantments are fine for now.not sure about the chandra though maybe 2 garruks, as you would only have 4 lighnimg bolts.. I would recommend for creatures: 4 bird of paridise4 llanowar 4 overcroen battlements 2 carven caryatids (spelling?) 4 wall of roots and your eldrazi. Possibly gigantomancer, and maybe 2 not of this worlds. Take out all of the artifacts, but leave in 4 whispersilk cloaks. That's what I would recommend, to make this deck very fun, and competetive.
Great!!!! How about mneumonic Nexus?
Reat deck! How about: Replacing the overruns with overwhelming stampede - buff one elf with a timber watch, and buff them all. Nettle sentinel is possibly the best one drop ever good choice have you considered adding a heritage Druid, cloudstone curio, and an elvish visionary for infinite draw. Imperious perfect or elvish champion are good, but maybe a bit average. Alternatley, you could have an immaculate magistrate 4 - and 4 timber watches, for more buff. A cool card for elf is the new leyline, as it helps keep everything alive, but it has lifegain, so maybe not. If you were to go down the combo lane, glimpse of nature is very good. How many creatures can you get out per turn? If you can get out a lot, Oran rife is good - maybe take out 2 forest for 2 Oran riefs? Yeh a really great deck. That is pretty much all of my ideas hope they are appreciated, and comments on my decks are appreciated. But not necessary. 9.6 stars!
I would recommend garruks companion or a primeval titian for mana excel.
It's a bit ... messy. You need to focus the deck more. One offs are no good unless it's very good for the deck - do you need the natures spiral, or the golem?
Nice! I like it - a balanced mix of green and artefact. How about an emrakul or some other eldrazi, as another tutor option?
Cool, but I would recommend a flourishing defences, and a tooth and nail for tutor.
Cool, but wouldn't you have to do combat damage? And if you just had enough land for the hellkite, you couldn't do it until you got another land. Cool idea though - would be nice to see this deck in action.
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